Rediscover Life

Welcome and thank you for visiting my new blog. Join me as I rediscover my Love for writing, my Lust for Life, and my everyday Adventures.



You can say what you want
You will never convince me
that a life for a life
is any form
of justice

I was there too
I saw the towers fall
and my eyes
were glued to the T.V.
My Heart was breaking
for the world
with the rest of the world
as we watched
and listened
words of hate
and fear
clogging the airwaves
images of devastation
implanted in our minds
bodies falling victim
to souls who gave up
because they would rather
throw themselves out a window
than wait for impending murder

Or was it because
they would rather
than live in a world
that thrived on violence
and raise their children
to be afraid
of planes?

Didn't anyone see the Hope
the Love
the togetherness
the compassion
that this life-changing tragedy
brought forth?

Not a chance
for contemplation
because just as suddenly
as the dust from the towers
began to settle
the promise
of more violence
more hatred
more heartache
more loss
was somehow justified
in war
and mourning soldiers
and bereaved families
and angry politicians
all supported retribution
at any cost
and failed to see
that teaching children
was an immensely worse solution
if it can even be called that...

I am aware of the irony
that those orphaned children
are likely
always going to be afraid of planes

...And Now
at the concurrent declaration
of safety and justice
with whispers of retaliation
and warnings of more threat
continuing the cycle
that will forever
be played in the heads
of those who continue to believe
that there is no other way
than letting the bad guys
kill each other off
allowing the gangs
to take their rivals out
forcing the dirty democrats
to eliminate the competition
with their vicious words

and all this Hate
because too many decided
it was the only form of survival
and discounted

may be forgotten
among an unfortunate group
but it will never
be abandoned
by Me

Call me a hippie all you want
the tree-hugging kind
that lives in la-la land
and believes that
Love & Peace
are the answer
to any
and All
naive to the world
You see
choosing to see through my own eyes
only an impeccable balance
of beauty and darkness
never allowing myself
to forget
that Love
Always wins

Call me what you want
because I would rather be
Who I Am
and believe in
what you may see as
the impossible
than be
full of hate and despair
and triumphant
in the death
of another.

© Ang Boyce 2011

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